Friday, February 10, 2012

Teach me Teacher

Summer is almost over and the days begin to get shorter and shorter. The anticipation of the new school year for Amos and Kyle begins to build and build. This year they will be in the sixth grade and that means Mrs. Washington's class. All the students just adore Mrs. Washington. She always goes about doing good to all the children and adults alike who are in her sphere of influence. Despite having her own sorrows and disappointments at times as we all do, she's never rude or harsh with any of the children. However, she is firm with each child and commands their respect. But the children always understand that she only has their best interest at heart whenever she commands them to not do or say certain things.

Well Mrs. Washington is a God send to the children of Brandon Elementary School. There are never any rumors of scandalous behavior in her personal life in the community. Of course she is far from perfect, but she lives her life by the same principles she teaches her young elementary students. She is a Teacher sent by God. Love governs every thing she teaches her young sixth grade students. Even when they are being very difficult and hard to love she always disciplines them with love and never in anger. Her Teaching principles have come under attack by some parents and other Teachers. She has endured harsh criticism from many who do not understand her methods of getting her children to listen and learn.

One Wednesday afternoon a couple of weeks before school was to start, Amos and Kyle were playing in the back yard at Amos' house and they began to talk to each other about being in Mrs. Washington's class the coming school year. Amos, as he shovels up a pile of dirt to make a small dirt track for his remote control motor bikes, says “Kyle what lessons do you think we will learn this year in Mrs. Washington's class?” Kyle says “My older sister told me she would teach them a lot of different things about life and stuff.” Amos: “What kind of things?” Kyle: “Well, my sister said she would take certain History lessons and facts and teach us a life lesson from other peoples failures and their successes.” Amos: “Wow, none of our other teachers ever even seemed to care about us learning life lessons.” Kyle: “My sister said that Mrs. Washington really loves God and that all the lessons she taught them were things that she had herself learned from God.” Amos: “But I thought Teachers were not suppose to talk about God in School.” Kyle: “Well that's right, she never talks about God directly, but the life lessons she teaches all come from what God has taught her. “If she talked about God directly she might lose her job.” As he runs one of his remote control motor bikes over the hill he made Amos says “Well none of us want to see that happen, we love her dearly.”

Note or Contemplation: How can we today relate to this story? Does your life teach lessons about God without saying a word? Our everyday lives should show people that we've been with God. Acts 4:13 “They recognized that they had been with Jesus.” Many of us today are ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ and our lives testify to that fact. People can't tell supposed Christians from the other people of the world. All around us we are bombarded with constant wickedness and evil. People in our communities, businesses, and work places are always trying to persuade those of us who know Christ to compromise our integrity. The character of the Lord Jesus Christ can never change or be compromised. His children are called out of darkness into His marvelous light. Light has no fellowship with darkness. We are to engage this culture but never compromise our integrity. Let me encourage you to learn from the Mrs. Washington's of this world. They are all around. You probably have one in your family or in your city.

Sincerely in Christ,

Clifford D. Tate, Sr.
Author, Silent Assassins of the Soul (not yet published; coming soon)

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