Over the years in the History of this country, we
have witnessed some of the most horrific crimes perpetrated against other
Americans. The ones that involved little children touched and grieved our
hearts perhaps the most. Immediately when the news of some of these acts
reached the national media and came to the rest of us, we immediately began to
demand justice for the victims of the crimes. A recent case I think of is the
death of little Caylee Anthony. Her own Mother (Casey Anthony) was accused of
the crime, but she was acquitted of the murder charges. People were so incensed
by her acquittal that they picketed outside of the courthouse for days and some
even sent very harsh death threats to Casey Anthony. Why were people so moved
for justice for this little girl who they never knew? Human beings are not
infinite but finite and yet we have such a passion to see justice rendered on
behalf of those victimized.
Perhaps the great tragedy that took place this past
weekend will top even the death of little Caylee Anthony. A man enters a movie
theater and guns down 12 people he never even met; one was a 6 year old girl.
Perhaps only the Lord Jesus Christ knows what motivated this man to carry out
this act of violence. However, those of us who know our Lord (through the new
birth) understand that sin is the true
culprit. As long as we live in this present age where the hearts of individual
men and women are not changed by the Lord Jesus Christ, these things will
always occur. Go into some of our Emergency Rooms in the hospitals and speak
with the Doctors and they will tell you they see violence against people by the
use of guns, knives, etc. every single day.
is the answer; it is the cause of both of the cases listed above and all the
others that occur all over the world that are not mentioned in this discussion.
We are not holy, perfect, and sinless and yet we demand justice for victims.
How much more will an infinite, holy, perfect, sinless God require justice for
His holy laws that have been continually broken by humanity? Our sense of
justice is but a faint whisper compared to the complete and sure justice that
will be rendered by the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He will come and execute
perfect, pure, and powerful justice on every human being. It will not matter
what people have done (how much good or bad), but it will only matter what they
Corinthians 5:16-17 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the
flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know
Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is
a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become
new. (NKJV)Like many Americans, I have listened to all types of people talking about this latest mass shooting and they give their many theories on why it happened, what could possibly motivate this man to do what he did, and people have very intelligent sounding answers from psychologist and psychiatrist but they are all wrong. Governor Mike Huckabee gave the only correct answer when he said, “We in America don’t have a gun problem or a violence problem, but we only have a sin problem.” God the Father has sent us (humanity) a cure for our only problem the sin problem and that was when God the Son Jesus Christ was conceived by God the Holy Spirit and born through a virgin woman named Mary, hung on a cross at Calvary, emptied His blood and took all human sin on himself and died, then resurrected after 3 days proving He only is God and defeating sin, death, and the devil. I felt so sad for many well-meaning people that spoke of some of the people fighting for their lives in that theater as people and they referred to the perpetrator of the crime as an evil person. Now I’m sure to receive some flack or even outright anger for making that statement, but I only got this truth from the Word of God. Listen to the following words from my Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul, they said:
10:18 So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is
good but One, that is, God. (NKJV)
3:12 They
have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who
does good, no, not one." (NKJV)
man accused of killing those people is not a sinner because of that grievance
act, but because he was born a sinner as we all were born sinners. The very sad
reality is that we human beings have always played the comparison game as it
relates to the sin problem.
However, do you understand that God sees every person who is without Christ
(through the new birth) as He sees the alleged perpetrator in Colorado (a
guilty child of disobedience with the wrath of God abiding on you)? Again, the
problem is not what we do, but what we are. The justice of God says that the
soul that sins shall surely die. Therefore, a transaction must be made in order
for God’s justice to be met on behalf of every human soul.
2 Corinthians
5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might
become the righteousness of God in Him. (NKJV)
you do not allow Jesus Christ to make you a new creation in Him, then you are
under the wrath of God and will receive His justice on that last day (separation
from Him, which is, eternity in hell). Don’t believe you are good (you are not)
because you have not done something as horrible as the man in Colorado. Humble
yourself under God’s mighty hand and repent (change your mind and turn from
your sin) and then trust Jesus Christ like you would trust a Surgeon in the
hospital to save your life, only my Lord Jesus will save your eternal life.
Sincerely in Christ,
D. Tate, Sr.
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