Thessalonians 2: 3-4 For our exhortation did not come from error
or uncleanness, nor was it in deceit. But as we have been approved by
God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but
God who tests our hearts. NKJV
There perhaps is not one human being alive today
that does not desire approval. Children as they grow up desire the approval of
their parents and then their peers in school. Employees seek the approval of
their bosses and co-workers. Often we human beings are driven to some very
extreme measures to gain approval from others because it gives us some sort of
comfort to feel that we are accepted. This Presidential election year motivates
every politician to say what particular interest groups want to here in order
to get their approval and then get their vote. It is not at all beyond their
scope or agenda to lie deceive, and give erroneous statements filled with
error, if it accomplishes the end result of getting more votes (approval) than
their opponent.
The Apostle Paul shows that a man or woman living
for the Glory of Jesus Christ has adopted a new agenda and now desires to
please but One and that is God. Paul went to the Thessalonians not seeking
their approval, but their transformation. When he spoke the gospel of God to
them, he did not make it more palatable as to not offend them and gain their
approval but he wanted to give them the truth that would lead them out of
darkness into Christ Light. The Lord Jesus told some people one time that they
were those who sought the approval of men but God knew their hearts. It is
always more comfortable temporarily to gain man’s approval over God’s approval.
However, to seek to please men and gain their approval will lead one far away
from God and in the end will prove to be eternal folly. A man is not measured
by his earthly approval, but that he is approved by God because in the final
analysis how God sees a man is all that will matter in the end.
Every servant of Christ never goes about to flatter
men to gain their approval or financial favor, if so; he is not a true servant
of Christ. The servant of Christ seeks to honor Him by telling people the truth
no matter the circumstances. The Lord Jesus Christ knows the hearts of all men
and the motives of men are not hidden from Him. All who love our Lord Jesus
knows that He searches our hearts constantly being aware of every motive for
what we do. To truly have the love of God abiding in you is to give people the
gospel in truth and warn them that there is a certain death to face. People
must know that their approval by God is the only affirmation that will count
after death and only by receiving Jesus through repentance and faith (new birth)
will they meet God’s approval.
Matthew Henry (1662-1714) said this of Paul’s exhortation
to the Thessalonians, “Their design was to please God and not men. God is a God
of truth, and requires truth in the inward parts; and, if sincerity be wanting,
all that we do cannot please God. The gospel of Christ is not accommodated to
the fain fancies and lusts of men, to gratify their appetites and passions; but,
on the contrary, it was designed for the mortifying of their corrupt
affections, and delivering them from the power of fancy, that they might be
brought under the power of faith.”
Author of “Silent Assassins of the Soul - Are you
Broken by Pornography and Masturbation? You can be Restored by the Lord Jesus
Christ and brought into Deliverance, Freedom, and Victory! A Guide for Men and
Women in the Enemy’s Crosshairs” e-book available now @ Amazon Kindle e-books
now and will be available in a couple of weeks @ Apple I Bookstore for IPod,
Barnes and Noble for Nook, Reader Store for Sony Reader, Kobo, Copia, Gardners,
Baker and Taylor, and eBookPie…
You are so smart. Seriously. What a great gift God has given you.