We 'the Just' Must Live by Faith Part 7
Hebrews 10:33-34 Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used. For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. KJV Note: MKJV=Modern King James Version
The writer of Hebrews begins to describe in more specific detail the type of persecution some of the then Hebrews who were brought out of the Mosaic Hebrew/Jewish system of worship endured from their fellow countrymen with these next words here, "Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used." (Hebrews 10:33) (KJV). The lengthy English phrase 'whilst ye were made a gazingstock' is translated by the Greek word theatrizō (used this one time only in the entire New Testament) it means to expose as a spectacle: - make a gazing stock. The English word 'reproaches' is translated by the Greek word oneidismos which means contumely, that is, rude expressions intended to offend or hurt: - insults, reproach. The English word 'afflictions' is translated by the Greek word thlipsis meaning pressure (literally or figuratively): - afflicted, anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble. In other words, they were made like zoo animals who people would walk by to gaze at for fun or entertainment wondering what made them such odd human animals, that is, why would they no longer conform to the regular and widely practice of the Hebrew/Jewish Mosaic worship, that is, with its customs, celebrations, and cerimonies. The Apostle Paul wrote concerning himself in like manner to his fellow Christian brethren who had come to know our Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ with these words, "For I think that God has set forth us last, the Apostles, as it were appointed to death; for we have become a spectacle to the world and to angels and to men." (1 Corinthians 4:9) (MKJV). Even the Psalmist wrote in like manner concerning himself with these words of despair then words of confident expectation from God, "I am like a wonder to many, but You are my strong tower. Let my mouth be filled with Your praise, with Your honor all the day. Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails. For my enemies speak against me; and those who watch for my soul plot together, saying, God has forsaken him; pursue and take him, for there is none to deliver him. O God, be not far from me; O my God, make haste for my help. Let them be ashamed; let those who are enemies of my soul be consumed; let them be covered with reproach and dishonor, those who seek my hurt. But I will hope without ceasing, and I will add more in all Your praise." (Psalms 71:7-14) (MKJV).
Here is what Albert Barnes had to say of Hebrews 10:33, "That is, your affliction consisted partly in this. The Greek is, 'this' - specifying one kind of affliction that they were called to endure. Whilst ye were made a gazing-stock - You were made a public spectacle, as if in a theater; you were held up to public view, or exposed to public scorn. When this was done, or in precisely what manner, we are not told. It was not an uncommon thing, however, for the early Christians to be held up to reproach and scorn, and probably this refers to some time when it was done by rulers or magistrates. It was a common custom among the Greeks and Romans to lead criminals, before they were put to death, through the theater, and thus to expose them to the insults and reproaches of the multitude. See the proofs of this adduced by Kuinoel on this passage. The 'language' here seems to have been taken from this custom, though there is no evidence that the Christians to whom Paul refers had been treated in this manner. By reproaches - Repreached as being the followers of Jesus of Nazareth; probably as weak and fanatical. And afflictions - Various 'sufferings' inflicted on them. They were not merely reviled in words, but they were made to endure positive sufferings of various kinds. And partly, while ye became companions of them that were so used - That is, even when they had not themselves been subjected to these trials, they had sympathized with those who were. They doubtless imparted to them of their property; sent to them relief, and identified themselves with them. It is not known to what particular occasion the Apostle here refers. In the next verse he mentions one instance in which they had done this, in aiding him when he was a prisoner."
The writer of Hebrews next cites the care, concern, and compassion shown unto himself by other followers of our Lord Jesus Christ when he was under the very persecution from the devil through the men that his demons lived in and worked through in order to revile, ridicule, and reproach him with these words, "For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance." (Hebrews 10:34) (KJV). The English word 'compassion' is translated by the Greek word sumpatheō meaning to feel 'sympathy' with, that is, (by implication) to commiserate: - have compassion, be touched with a feeling of. When this writer of Hebrews here goes on to say, 'of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods', he means that he was placed in chains by either the Romans or other Hebrew/Jewish leaders trying to stop his spread of the Gospel message of salvation only in our Lord Jesus Christ. This part of this letter to the Hebrews is where many fellow believers declare the Apostle Paul as the writer of this letter or epistle. In my opinion, it could be Paul or it could be another one of the early Hebrew disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who cite Paul as the author refer to these passages of Scripture as their proof, "And when the seven days were about to be completed, the Jews who were from Asia, having seen him in the temple, stirred up all the crowd and laid hands on him, crying out, Men, Israelites, help! This is the man who teaches all everywhere against the people and the Law and this place. And even he brought Greeks into the temple and has polluted this holy place. (For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city before, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.) And all the city was moved, and the people ran together. And laying hands on Paul, they drew him outside of the temple. And immediately the doors were shut. And as they were seeking to kill him, the news came to the chiliarch of the cohort, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar. He immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them. And seeing the chiliarch and the soldiers, they quit beating Paul. Then going near, the chiliarch laid hold on him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains. And he demanded who he was and what he had done." (Acts 21:27-33) (MKJV). When the writer of Hebrews finishes out Hebrews 10:34 with these words, 'knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance', he speaks of the abundant and bountiful treasure each and every one of us who know and love our Lord Jesus Christ have waiting for us in heaven which no material thing here on this earth can come close to comparison. First of, the treasure of being in the loving presence of our Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins in our place snatching us from the pit of hell and the devil (Colossians 1:13-14) (face to face with Him) will itself be our enduring eternal treasure, however, just as the icing on the cake is not the main thing (the cake is), so will all the other treasures in the physical place of heaven be to each and every one of us who have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Here is what Alexander MacLaren had to say of Hebrews 10:34, "The writer is speaking to Christian men who have endured a great fight of afflictions, and he says of them, 'Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, because you knew that you had this Better and enduring substance.' Joyfully! When you strike away the false props the strength of the real ones becomes more conspicuous. And many and many a time we may experience, unless we waste our discipline and our sorrows, that the surest way to become richer towards God is to lose the earthly stays and supports. But whether that be so or no, he who sits in the centre, and has the light round him, need not mind much what storms are raging without, and he whose inexpugnable fortress is within the depths of God may smile at all the hubbub and confusion down in the valley. If we possess this true treasure which lies at our doors, and may be had for the taking, we shall be like men in some strong fortress, with firm walls, abundant provisions, and a well in the courtyard, and we can laugh at besiegers 'His abiding place shall be the munitions of rooks; his bread shall be given him and his water shall be made sure.' We may be quiet and lofty, infinitely above the fear of chance and change, if we keep the firm hold which we may keep of the enduring riches which God brings with Him into our souls. Some of you may be in circumstances which make such thoughts as these specially applicable, either because dark days may be threatening, or because the sunshine of prosperity may be dazzling some eyes and making them lose sight of their true wealth. To the one class the thought of my text is gathered up in the warning, 'Charge them that they trust not in the uncertainty of riches, but in the living God.' And, to the other class, the text should quicken and consolidate the resolve, 'What time I am afraid I will trust in Thee. Thou art the strength of my heart, and mine inheritance for ever.'"
If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ and His amazing healing power, pray this from your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ (you speaking directly to Him), Dear Lord Jesus, I confess to You that I am a sinner and I need Your forgiveness. I believe You shed Your Blood and died for my sins. I believe that You rose from the dead proving that You alone are God. I repent of my sins. I want to turn from my sins. I ask You Dear Lord Jesus to come into my heart and take control of my life. I want You to be my Lord, Savior, and my God. Amen...
Sincerely in Christ,
Clifford D. Tate, Sr.
Author of “Silent Assassins of the Soul - Are you Broken by Pornography and Masturbation? You can be Restored by the Lord Jesus Christ and brought into Deliverance, Freedom, and Victory! A Guide for Men and Women in the Enemy’s Crosshairs” e-book available now @ Amazon Kindle, @ Apple I Bookstore for IPod, Barnes and Noble for Nook, Reader Store for Sony Reade, Kobo, Copia, Gardners, Baker and Taylor, and eBookPie…
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Letter to the Hebrews Volume 115
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