8:20-22 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because
of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will
be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the
children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with
birth pangs together until now. NKJV
Lions are perhaps one of the Lord’s most majestic
creatures He placed on the earth. When they walk they appear so regal and
stately. In their environment they have no natural predators and are considered
the King of the jungle. I have always enjoyed learning about their behavior in
the wild. I am often fascinated by the relentless way they stalk and pursue
their prey. A pride of lions on a hunt will work together with precise detail
and strategy in order to bring down prey 4 or 5 times its size. These big cats
are very social (thus the formation of prides) where the other big cats are primarily
However, once the prey is caught and has been
suffocated to death something happens to each lion as the feeding begins every
individual lion of the pride that worked so closely together in unity to kill
their prey snaps inside and is driven to violent
displays of aggression clawing and biting one another for the consumption of
the dead prey animal. It is as if for that period of time they are driven by something
inside of them to hurt anyone of their pride members that would keep them from
consuming as much of the meal as they possibly could consume.
You can see in their eyes that they lose all sense
of any bond with their sisters, daughters, brothers, and mothers in their
pride. They are driven by an internal desire filled with rage, greed, and
selfishness until every individual is full or the carcass is completely
consumed. Many of the weaker and smaller lions are hurt and sometimes even
killed during this feeding frenzy. After the lions have eaten their fill, the
violent drive subsides and they begin to groom one another by licking off
leftover blood and bonding by rubbing heads together as if the violent drive
during their feeding never occurred.
The fall of man thrust all of creation into this
barbarian tail spin. Before Adam sinned lions and other big cats did not eat other
animals, but only plants and other vegetation. The word futility in verse 20 of
Romans 8 above is from the Greek word mataiotes,
which means moral depravity. Adam’s sin plunged all of God’s creation into a
perpetual downward decline away from everything good, right, true, and best. The
whole of the animal kingdom has been deformed by the fall of man and this is
why we witness the above behavior of lions.
The human race has suffered most from Adam’s
disobedience, because we were originally made in the likeness of the triune God
and unlike the animals we (individually) are somewhat aware of our corrupt
moral condition due to the conscience we have been given and animals have not a
conscience. The animals only function or operate from instinct that manifested
itself after the fall.
Therefore, the person involved with sexual behavior
that is outside of the will of God, experiences this type of inner conflict (similar
to what is described above with lions at feeding), where something clicks or
snaps inside of their souls and thus they are driven by such a strong and
insatiable impulse that they lose all sense of reality. They care not that
other people might be hurt, but they must satisfy this drive. The person that thinks
that any drive within the soul must be natural or from God or approved by Him
does not believe God exist or will not except the fact of man falling into
corruption. The fact that the heart desires unclean things does not serve to
normalize those things. Verse 21 in Romans 8 states that the whole
creation is under bondage of corruption, which means slavery to decay and ruin.
Consequently this slavery to
decay and ruin is the entire creation and specifically the heart of every
individual human being. The Prophet Jeremiah tells us that man’s heart is
deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. This heart that every human
being is born with is the result of the fall and now is under bondage of
corruption. This heart cannot be legislated into better behavior. There will
never be laws with penalties harsh enough to change its conduct. There will
never be environments that are better or more pristine to curb this hearts evil
appetite. This heart is worthless, useless, and beyond repair. Sin is a heavy
load bearing down upon the heart/mind of human beings unleashing guilt that
cannot be quenched by awards, money, trophies, commendations, earthly gifts,
earthly status, or any other temporal gesture or thing. The only solution for
the person with this heart is for them to be given a new heart.
This is a quote from an earlier article (8/18/08) I
wrote entitled “The King of Hearts”, “Christ comes to apply Himself directly
where the root or seat of the problem is located and that is every human heart.
If you have a sore on your left arm, you don't apply ointment to the right arm
and expect it to cure the sore on the left arm. Likewise, Christ does not come
to teach us how to behave better. On the contrary, He comes to change our
behavior by changing our hearts. He instantly upon entrance into the heart
becomes the King of Hearts to every soul that receives Him.” Jeremiah 31:33 “I will put My law within
them, and on their hearts will I write it; and I will be their God, and they
will be My people.” (Quick Amplified Bible) Finally, we see that by the
gospel (Christ supernatural birth, His death, burial, and His subsequent resurrection
from the dead) the heart that is under the bondage of corruption is quickened
(made alive to God) and given new affections/desires that radically differ from
the un-quickened or unregenerate heart.
— My Utmost For His Highest for 07/23/2012
Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us ... sanctification. — 1
Corinthians 1:30
Life Side. The mystery of sanctification is that the perfections of Jesus
Christ are imparted to me, not gradually, but instantly when by faith I enter
into the realization that Jesus Christ is made unto me sanctification.
Sanctification does not mean anything less than the holiness of Jesus being
made mine manifestly. The one marvellous secret of a holy life lies not in
imitating Jesus, but in letting the perfections of Jesus manifest themselves in
my mortal flesh. Sanctification is "Christ in you." It is His
wonderful life that is imparted to me in sanctification, and imparted by faith
as a sovereign gift of God's grace. Am I willing for God to make sanctification
as real in me as it is in His word?
means the impartation of the Holy qualities of Jesus Christ. It is His
patience, His love, His holiness, His faith, His purity, His godliness, that is
manifested in and through every sanctified soul. Sanctification is not drawing
from Jesus the power to be holy; it is drawing from Jesus the holiness that was
manifested in Him, and He manifests it in me. Sanctification is an impartation,
not an imitation. Imitation is on a different line. In Jesus Christ is the
perfection of everything, and the mystery of sanctification is that all the
perfections of Jesus are at my disposal, and slowly and surely I begin to live
a life of ineffable order and sanity and holiness: "Kept by the power of
Sincerely in Christ,
Clifford D. Tate, Sr.
Author of “Silent Assassins of the Soul - Are you
Broken by Pornography and Masturbation? You can be Restored by the Lord Jesus
Christ and brought into Deliverance, Freedom, and Victory! A Guide for Men and Women
in the Enemy’s Crosshairs” e-book will be available soon…
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