Monday, August 20, 2012

Purify our Affections

1 John 3:3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. NKJV
“When all of the components of the eye function properly, light is converted to impulses and conveyed to the brain where an image is perceived.” ( Our eyes are constantly being assaulted with images (some harmless and others harmful), if the harmful are downloaded and stored in the brain and then uploaded to the mind/heart, our mind/hearts will become dirty and out of it will flow the fruit of those images (fornication, adultery, pornography viewing, masturbation, etc.) in our actions. Our eyes do not control what they view, but only process what the mind/heart commands it to view.

Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. NKJV
The Pornography Industry is dramatically designed and built on its imagery which draws, lures, and attracts men in large numbers because we are designed for the visual. Women are not immune to being attracted by the visual, but they are designed more to be drawn by emotional stimuli. Therefore, this industry, seeing its influence on the culture creating more unmarried women with high earning capabilities has transformed much of their product to include story lines and plots just as a typical Hollywood movie studio would produce.

I want to say to every man and woman out there reading this post that the Pornography Industry thrives to keep its victims in silence. The true founder and CEO of this industry (the devil) operates all of his activities in darkness and wants to produce guilt, shame, and fear to keep you trapped in this selfish loveless gutter. What would you do if some stranger came into your yard or home and took up your child or grandchild and attempted to take them away to harm them? Why, I’m sure you would fight with every ounce of strength in your mortal frame to free and rescue them from that evil perpetrator. In like manner, we must fight for our purity as if we were being assaulted or our children were being assaulted in the natural. We are being assaulted; our children are being assaulted everyday by this industry all around us in many different forms and disguises.
Proverbs 8:13 “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil.” NKJV  

Amos 5:15 “Hate the evil and love the good.” NKJV
We must have a holy hatred for evil and daily go on a mission to seek and destroy the things that would lure us away from intimacy with our Blessed Redeemer. We must by the power of the Holy Spirit let the Word of God dwell in our hearts so richly and mightily bringing all of our thoughts into captivity (slavery) to the obedience of our Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ. This cannot be an option for us, we must see it as a necessity or else we die spiritually. Our old nature has not been improved and is still as vile as it was before our regeneration and new birth, therefore, it is our responsibility to mortify it (kill it; put it to death) regularly. Do you realize and understand that our loving, all sufficient Lord Jesus hates pornography and all associated with promoting it as good and using it to gratify lustful sinful pleasure. Perhaps you don’t believe this statement and think I am espousing my own hearts knowledge. Listen to these words: Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. NKJV

Notice first that pride is the root that bears the fruit of every kind of sin. Secondly, look at verse 18 and He says a heart and feet. Both the heart and feet belong to a person and is the object of the LORD’s hatred and are an abomination to Him. This is not my opinion or that of any other man or woman, but it is how the LORD sees them. Any argument you might have with me put it to rest and take it up with the LORD of Glory Jesus Christ.
Finally, how must we go about purifying our affections? We must fight by guarding what we watch through our eyes and what we listen to through our ears. The devil or no human instrument of his can force us to allow images and sounds that are unclean into our hearts. We have a choice every moment of everyday we are given to live down here on this earth. Our citizenship is in Heaven and we must live like the pilgrims, sojourners, and aliens Christ Jesus our Lord has made us. When a rug or carpet acquires a spot, a special cleaning product must be used to remove that spot. When once an unclean image has been taken in through the eye gate and treasured in the heart, it requires confession and repentance, and then the Spirit of God will use the Word of God to purify that heart afresh.

Psalm 119:9 How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. NKJV
"Mastery Over The Believer" — My Utmost For His Highest for 07/19/2012

Ye call Me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. — John 13:13
Our Lord never insists on having authority; He never says - Thou shalt. He leaves us perfectly free - so free that we can spit in His face, as men did; so free that we can put Him to death, as men did; and He will never say a word. But when His life has been created in me by His Redemption I instantly recognize His right to absolute authority over me. It is a moral domination - "Thou art worthy . . ." It is only the unworthy in me that refuses to bow down to the worthy. If when I meet a man who is more holy than myself, I do not recognize his worthiness and obey what comes through him, it is a revelation of the unworthy in me. God educates us by means of people who are a little better than we are, not intellectually but "holily," until we get under the domination of the Lord Himself, and then the whole attitude of the life is one of obedience to Him.

If Our Lord insisted upon obedience He would become a taskmaster, and He would cease to have any authority. He never insists on obedience, but when we do see Him we obey Him instantly, He is easily Lord, and we live in adoration of Him from morning till night. The revelation of my growth in grace is the way in which I look upon obedience. We have to rescue the word "obedience" from the mire. Obedience is only possible between equals; it is the relationship between father and son, not between master and servant. "I and My Father are one." "Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered." The Son's obedience was as Redeemer, because He was Son, not in order to be Son.

By Oswald Chambers

Sincerely in Christ,

Clifford D. Tate, Sr.

Author of “Silent Assassins of the Soul - Are you Broken by Pornography and Masturbation? You can be Restored by the Lord Jesus Christ and brought into Deliverance, Freedom, and Victory! A Guide for Men and Women in the Enemy’s Crosshairs” e-book will be available soon…                                    

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